The Inclusion Program at Parents Reaching Out is bringing adaptations to events, activities, organizations and communities around the State of New Mexico. Not every space is designed for every individual and by creating these adaptations we move to include everyone who might be interested in participating. This makes our community more accessible and can create a sense of belonging for all our fellow New Mexicans.
Program Mission: To form more inclusive communities by making environments more accessible and creating a sense of belonging for everyone.
Goals: The IAB program will utilize known strategies, tools and community input to implement and improve a variety of options for every person to be able to better participate in their community.
Where, in your community, do you struggle to access or feel included?

Inclusion Stations by: Parents Reaching Out
A sensory station is typically thought of as an area for a child with a disability to calm down. By definition, a sensory station is an area to engage children in play that stimulates the senses.
Inclusion Stations, by Parents Reaching Out, are a transition tool to allow users to respite while exploring self-regulation tools in a variety of settings, events and activities. Stations can be designed for any age range within any setting. These are areas with a wide variety of options for participants to regulate their sensory processing needs. Station options could include visual(sight), auditory(sound), proprioceptive(movement), vestibular(balance) and interoceptive(self-regulation) system engagement activities.
Looking to make your event more inclusive? Contact PRO today!
Event Inclusion Station – A temporary station to support your attendees and improve experiences for all. Includes a single staff member to maintain the station throughout your event. (Requires a designated area for set up.)
Contact Parents Reaching Out for pricing.
Permanent Inclusion Station – A designated station for staff, students, and/or visitors to be able to respite and regulate at a set location. Each stations is designed considering the space allotted, the community that will be using the station, their age range and the number of users.
$250 Consultation Fee
This fee is to assess the space and the participants, then to create a customized recommendation list for accessibility toolkits, resources and an inclusion station. If you do hire PRO to create your station, $150 of your consult fee will go towards your supplies.
Accessibility Tool Kits by: Parents Reaching Out
These are tool kits that participants may use to explore a variety of tools that might assist with any auditory(sound), tactile(touch), visual(sight), olfactory(scent), gustatory(taste), vestibular(balance) or introspective(self-regulation) needs while participating in their community. These allow people to find what is helpful for them, individually, in different environments and creating a more accessible community for all.
Toolkit Design and Rental
This option includes tool kits created by PRO to meet the needs of your participants and customized to the event itself. We recommend renting enough bags to cover around 3% of your anticipated participants.
$50 service fee
(This covers our time to create your tool kits and get them to you in time for your event.)
$30/bag rented for your event.
It will then be your responsibility to sign out tool kits and ensure their return.
(PRO may charge an additional $10 fee for any unreturned tool kits.)
Toolkit Design and Purchase
These kits will be created specifically for your organization and customized to the unique needs of your space and its participants.
$50 service fee
(This covers our time to create your tool kits and get them to you.)
$25/bag purchased for your location.
It will then be your responsibility to care for your tool kits and ensure their return and reuse.
PRO will keep your information on file incase more need to be purchased in the future.
Customized Resources for Your Event or Organization
Contact PRO at fcarrillo@parentsreachingout.org to inquire about the appropriate resources for your event and costs involved.