Youth Transition Services
We at Parents Reaching Out understand that transitions play a key role in students’ lives. Life beyond secondary education is a critical one in the life of a young person with disabilities and their family. Our program offers a range of information and resources to support these transitions, which can and should begin as early as age 14.
Our program works individually with families and offers workshops to address the following components of transition:
- Transitioning from middle school to high school
- Healthcare transition
- Self Advocacy Skills
- How to run your own IEP/ISP
- Forward@14 is a multi-part program for groups of youth and their adult partners (parent/sibling/guardian/teachers) to plan for the future. The curricula offers a focus on relevant laws, the importance of inclusion, employment/higher education and more. For more information on the next Forward@14 session, contact us.
- Transition conferences bring together youth, educators and family members to learn about transition opportunities in regions across the state. Conferences have been held in Las Cruces, Albuquerque, Shiprock and Farmington. Please contact us to discuss scheduling a transition conference in your local area.
Transition Resources:
- Family Transition Resource Guide (in English and Spanish)
- Project Search
- CDD Partners for Employment
- New Mexico Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (NMDVR)
Provides pre-employment transition planning services to youth -