Virtual Family Support Group

Come to our monthly family-to-family support group. Share your experiences parenting your child or grandchild with disabilities and connect with others who relate to your journey. To register:

The Supports Waiver

Learn about the new Supports Waiver and how it could benefit you. This session will provide an overview of who is eligible for the Supports Waiver, what it offers, how to enroll, and what you can expect after you enroll. To register: If you are in need of sign language interpretation or any other assistance…

Grupo de Apoyo

Te invitamos a nuestro grupo de apoyo familia-a-familia que ofrecemos cada mes. Comparta sus experiencias como padre o abuelo de su niño que tiene diferentes retos con otros padres que se pueden identificarse con su experiencia. Registrares:

Forward@14 Session 4

Learn about social opportunities and the importance of fun! Come play Jeopardy and test your knowledge after attending the other sessions. We will have a resource fair and be giving…