From screening and evaluation to transitioning out of high school, PRO supports families with youth, from birth to 26 years of age, with their education concerns.
Parents Reaching Out is New Mexico’s Parent Training and Information (PTI) Center funded by the US Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation. As the PTI for New Mexico, we serve families throughout the state who have children and young adults (from birth to age 26) receiving special education services or seeking evaluation for special education. From screening and evaluation to transitioning out of high school, our dedicated staff will support families with concerns about education.
We Help Families:
- Obtain appropriate education and services for their children
- Work to improve education results for their children
- Resolve problems between families and schools or other agencies
- Connect families to community resources that address their needs
- Understand the complexities of Special Education
- Become empowered contributors to their child’s educational plan
- Advocate for their child using a collaborative approach

The contents of this website were developed in part under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H328M150052. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. or Project Officer, David Emenheiser.