New Mexico’s Early Intervention services are offered at no-cost to families and are overseen by the Family, Infant and Toddlers program. These services are designed to meet and support your child’s learning and development during the most important time– from birth to three years of age. If your child is eligible for early intervention, you will choose an early intervention agency with which to work and work as a team with early intervention professionals to develop a plan that will help you and your family decide what kinds of services will help your child grow. Examples of early intervention services include speech therapy, physical therapy, feeding assistance and more. Parents and professionals collaborate to develop an Individualized Family Support Plan (IFSP) for the child.
At PRO, we help families to:
- Obtain appropriate services for their young children
- Understand the importance of individualized developmental milestones for all children
- Resolve problems between families and agencies
- Connect to community resources that address their needs
- Find an early intervention agency that will meet their needs.
- Understand the transition process after early intervention and prepare for the school system
We also provide workshops to help parents understand Early Intervention, Healthcare, and the Special Education process, including information on:
- Record keeping (Keeping It All Together – KIAT)
- Early Literacy
- Developing the Dream, Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP)
- Next Steps – Transitioning from Part C to Part B
- Let’s Begin the Journey (How to prepare for transition after Early Intervention)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Waiver Programs
- Medicaid & Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic Treatment (EPSDT)