Bully Prevention: Strategies to Support Students
Bully Prevention: Strategies to Support Students
Learn what to do when your child is being bullied and ways to prevent it.
Learn what to do when your child is being bullied and ways to prevent it.
Learn about what is covered in a 504 plan, the differences between 504 plans and Individualized Education Programs (IEP), and how to best support your student.
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Boyd In this workshop, you will learn simple techniques in child-led play, common pitfalls that derail your child having fun, and how to manage challenges that may occur during play.
Learn about record-keeping for your child’s healthcare and education information. Learn how to organize and utilize these documents in advocating for your child.
(Albuquerque) Albuquerque support group will meet on the third Monday of each month.
Guest Speaker: Jennifer Boyd In this workshop, you will learn simple techniques in child-led play, common pitfalls that derail your child having fun, and how to manage challenges that may…
(Albuquerque) Sibshops at Parents Reaching Out are activity filled engagement opportunities for siblings of kids with developmental and health concerns to connect with peers and share experiences.
Learn about options to work out disagreements if your child’s IEP is not being followed.